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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sarah Palin's new neighbor...

Seems the media will spare no expense to get their hatchet-men into the right places.  Joe McGinniss, an author who has already written at least one article critical of Sarah Palin, and an entire book critical of Alaska's citizens, has moved into the house right next door to the Palin's Alaska home while he's jumping on the "Palin Bandwagon" and writing a book about the former Alaska governor.  No, McGinniss apparently hasn't purchased the house, he's merely renting it for the next five months or so while he's writing his tome.

McGinniss can now sit on the deck of his rented home, and look out over the Palin family's garden and swimming hole.  Sounds like exciting fare for rabid leftists everywhere.  Can't wait for the movie...


1 comment:

  1. Re-checked my facts and found that no, Sarah Palin didn't have a new "neighor", but a new "NEIGHBOR"...the neighbor might be a horse's ass, but that's not where the "neighing" comes from. Edited my post to reflect the updated information.

    Actually, I just typed too fast and mis-spelled the word... or perhaps it was a Freudian slip?
