flag trade center

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Obama's "Assassination Program" targets American citizens without due process

Solon.com, hardly a "right wing radical" site, is reporting on President Obama's "Assassination Program", which targets American citizens for killing, by order of the President, based only upon suspicion of terrorism.

That's right.  No conviction, indictment by a court of law, no legal charges by law enforcement, no military activity.  If President Obama merely suspects a U.S. citizen of terrorism, he can order a "hit" on that person.

How's that for "Change you can Believe In"?

Remember way back when leftists were howling mad over President George W. Bush's supposed "illegal wiretapping" of terrorist phone calls?  What a travesty it was that ole' Dubya might have been listening to your private phone calls!  Remember every mainstream media outlet harping ad-nauseam over the unmitigated gall of our President because he might be violating some one's right to chat nonsensically about absolutely nothing?

Ah, for the good old days.

Where's the mainstream media now that it's been learned that President Obama can order a bullet through the head of an American citizen on his authority alone!!

Well, Lindsey Lohan is going to jail, ya' know....

The administration defends it's assassination program.

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